Metrics are what your experiments are trying to improve (or at least not hurt). GrowthBook has a very flexible and powerful way to define metrics.
Conversion Types
Metrics can have different units and statistical distributions. Below are the ones GrowthBook supports:
Conversion Type | Description | Example | Default aggregation (SQL) |
binomial | A simple yes/no conversion | Created Account | 1/0 per unit |
count | Sums conversion values per user | Pages per Visit | SUM(value) per unit |
duration | How much time something takes | Time on Site | SUM(value) per unit |
revenue | The revenue gained/lost | Revenue per User | SUM(value) per unit |
For experiment analysis, each of these metric types uses some aggregation (often defaulting to SUM
) per user and then takes an average with respect to the total number of users. In the case of SQL metrics, the only meaningful difference between count, duration, and revenue is how we render the units in the metric and experiment results pages.
Revenue Metrics are displayed in USD by default. You can change your display currency under Settings > General > Metric Settings
Query settings
For metrics to work, you need to tell GrowthBook how to query the data from your data source. There are a few ways to do this depending on your data source.
1. SQL (recommended)
If your data source supports SQL, this is the preferred way to define metrics. You can use joins, subselects, or anything else supported by your SQL dialect.
Your SELECT statement should return one row per "conversion event". This may be a page view, a purchase, a session, or something else. The end result should look like this:
user_id | timestamp | value |
123 | 2021-08-23 12:45:14 | 10 |
456 | 2021-08-23 12:45:15 | 5.25 |
Metrics can support one or more types of identifiers. The above example assumes the metric only supports a single id type called user_id
, but you would add additional columns if you need to support other ones.
Non-binomial metrics
For count, revenue, and duration metrics metric types, the value represents the count, duration, or revenue from that single conversion event. In the case of multiple rows for a single user, the values will be summed together or we will use a custom aggregation that you can specify.
Therefore a count
metric can really be any arbitrary metric whose value
you want to sum at the user level before taking an average per variation.
If you use Segment to populate your data warehouse, the SQL for a Revenue per User
metric might look like this:
-- Assuming you support 2 identifier types - 'user_id' and 'anonymous_id'
user_id as user_id,
anon_id as anonymous_id,
received_at as timestamp,
grand_total as value
If you wanted to count the number of conversion rows per user, you can simply set 1 as value
in your SQL query and then the default SUM aggregation will count the number of rows per user.
Binomial metrics
Binomial metrics don't need a value
column (the existence of a row means the user converted). You would only need to return the following columns, representing users and when they "converted" on this binomial metric:
user_id | timestamp |
789 | 2022-08-23 12:45:14 |
111 | 2022-08-23 12:45:15 |
When we go to conduct experiment analysis, any user_id
that has a conversion in the appropriate time window will be counted as a 1
, while all other users will be counted as a 0
. Then we can compute the proportion of users in an experiment variation who converted.
SQL Template Variables
Within your queries, there are several placeholder variables you can use. These will be replaced with strings before being run. This can be useful for giving hints to SQL optimization engines to improve query performance.
The variables are:
- startDate -
of the earliest data that needs to be included - startYear - Just the
of the startDate - startMonth - Just the
of the startDate - startDay - Just the
of the startDate - startDateUnix - Unix timestamp of the startDate (seconds since Jan 1, 1970)
- endDate -
of the latest data that needs to be included - endYear - Just the
of the endDate - endMonth - Just the
of the endDate - endDay - Just the
of the endDate - endDateUnix - Unix timestamp of the endDate (seconds since Jan 1, 1970)
- experimentId - Either a specific experiment id OR
if you should include all experiments
For example:
user_id as user_id,
received_at as timestamp
received_at BETWEEN '{{ startDate }}' AND '{{ endDate }}'
The inserted values do not have surrounding quotes, so you must add those yourself (e.g. use '{{ startDate }}'
instead of just {{ startDate }}
Denominator (Ratio / Funnel Metrics)
By default, metrics are evaluated against all users in an experiment: (# users who converted) / (# users in experiment)
You can instead choose another metric to use as the denominator.
Funnel Metrics
When the denominator is a simple binomial (conversion) metric, then it acts just like an "activation metric" in an experiment. It filters the users who are included in the analysis to those who first convert on this denominator metric.
For example, if you want to look at what percent of users checkout after viewing a cart, it can be described as % checkout / % viewed cart
. This requires creating two metrics:
Viewed Cart
- selects all users who viewed a cartViewed Cart -> Checkout
- selects all users who checked out and picksViewed Cart
as the denominator.
Ratio Metrics
When the denominator is a count metric, then things are a little different. Instead of acting like a filter, we calculate both metrics and treat the value as a ratio.
- The mean is
sum(metric) / sum(denominator)
- The standard deviation is calculated using the Delta method
For example, if you want to look at the Average Order Value (AOV), what you're really looking for is total revenue / number of orders
. This also requires creating two metrics:
Orders per User
- selects the count of orders for each userAOV
- selects total revenue per user and picksOrders per User
as the denominator.
2. Javascript (Mixpanel only)
We query Mixpanel data sources using their proprietary JQL language based on Javascript. This allows for extreme flexibility when defining metrics.
All metrics at minimum need to specify an Event Name which must exactly match what is used in Mixpanel. You can use OR
to match against multiple events. For example viewed_cart OR purchased
You can optionally add Conditions which filters the events further based on properties. For example, if Event Name is Page view
, you can add a condition path = "/blog"
Count, duration, and revenue metrics have two additional steps. We first extract all event values for a user into an array and then reduce that array down to a single number, which is the final metric value for the user.
Conditions in Mixpanel are very powerful. They consist of a Property, an Operator, and a Value. Multiple conditions are joined with an AND.
The Property can either be the name of an event property or a javascript expression. Some examples:
, equivalent
event.time + ", " +
The Operator is one of the following:
- equals
- does not equal
- is greater than
- is greater than or equal to
- is less than
- is less than or equal to
- matches the regex
- does not match the regex
- custom javascript
The custom javascript
operator is special. The Value is a javascript expression that evaluates to either true
or false
(access the property value with the value
variable). It lets you do arbitrarily complex filtering. For example:
value < 5 || value > 10;
For all other operators, the condition should read like an English sentence. For example:
// property operator value
country equals US
// Will render as == "US"
Event Value
For count, revenue, and duration metrics, we need to know what the "value" of the event is.
The Event Value is a Javascript expression to extract a value from a raw Mixpanel event. If you are just extracting a single property as-is, you can just enter the property name as a shortcut. Otherwise, you can reference the event
variable in your expression.
Here are some example Event Value expressions:
, equivalent
(hard-code the value to a specific number)( - / (60 * 60)
(difference in hours between two unix timestamps)new Date(event.time).toISOString().substr(0, 10)
(event timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD format)
For count metrics, you can leave Event Value blank and it will default to hard-coding the value to 1
, which is perfect for when you just want to count the number of events and don't care about specific properties.
User Value Aggregation
For count, revenue, and duration metrics, we need to know how to aggregate the event values together, in case a single user has multiple matching events.
The User Value Aggregation is another Javascript expression that reduces an array of Event Values to a single number (or null if the user did not convert). Reference the variable values
in your expression. There are a few built-in helper functions:
percentile(values, p)
(p is a number between0
You can use your own custom expression too if you want. For example, this is the equivalent of sum(values)
values.reduce((sum, n) => sum + n, 0);
If the aggregation is left blank, we do sum(values)
by default.
3. SQL Query Builder (legacy)
The query builder prompts you for things such as table/column names and constructs a SQL query behind the scenes.
We only recommend this for extremely simple metrics. Inputting raw SQL is far more flexible.
The behavior tab lets you tweak how the metric is used in experiments. Depending on the metric type and datasource you chose, some or all of the following will be available:
What is the Goal?
For the vast majority of metrics, the goal is to increase the value. But for some metrics like "Bounce Rate" and "Page Load Time", lower is actually better.
Setting this to "decrease" basically inverts the "Chance to Beat Control" value in experiment results so that "beating" the control means decreasing the value. This will also reverse the red and green coloring on graphs.
Capped Value
Large outliers can have an outsized effect on experiment results. For example, if your normal revenue per user $40 and someone happens to make a $5000 order, whatever variation that person is in will be much more likely "win" any experiment because that one order is an outlier.
Capping (also known as winsorization) works by ensuring that all aggregate unit (e.g. user) values are no more than some value. So in the above example, if the cap was $100, the $5000 purchase will still be counted, but the aggregated value for that user will be capped at $100 and will have a much smaller effect on the results. It will still give a boost to whatever variation the person is in, but it won't completely dominate all of the other orders and is unlikely to make a winner just on its own. Another way to think about this is that you are slightly biasing your results by truncating large values, but you are reducing variance to prevent the outsized effect of outliers.
There are two ways to cap metric values in GrowthBook:
1. Absolute capping - if set above zero, all aggregated user values will be capped at exactly this value. For example, if the cap is $100 on total revenue per user, then after we sum all of a users orders up, any user with an aggregate sum of greater than $100 will be set to $100.
2. Percentile capping - when this is set to between 0 and 1, it uses that percentile to select a cap based on the data in your experiment so far. This cap is therefore specific to each experiment and specific to each analysis run in that experiment if new data has come in. It works like so: after we calculate the unit-level aggregate values for all units (e.g. users) during an experiment analysis, we find the specified percentile of these unit-level aggregates and then cap these aggregated values at this percentile. Using the above example, if you were to specify percentile capping with a value of 0.95
, then we find the 95th percentile of total revenue per users (say this turns out to be $135). We then cap those user-level aggregates at $135.
Because the percentile cap depends on the data in your experiment, it can be different from experiment to experiment, or even analysis to analysis. To find out what value was actually used for capping you can do the following: on the Experiment Results tab, click the three dot menu in the top right and select "View Queries". Each percentile capped metric will have a column with the main_cap_value
that was used to cap that metric and represents the computed percentile of unit-level aggregate values.
Conversion Delay
Conversions within the first X hours of being put into an experiment are ignored (default = 0
). This is useful for metrics like "day 2 retention". In that case, if your underlying table reports whether a user is retained on any given day, you could set a conversion delay to 24
Negative conversion delays
The conversion delay can also be negative to include some conversions before a user is put into an experiment. For example, a value of -2
would mean conversions up to 2 hours before will be included. You might be wondering when this would ever be useful.
Imagine the average person stays on your site for 60 seconds and your experiment can trigger at any time.
If you just look at the average time spent after the experiment, the numbers will lose a lot of meaning. A value of 20 seconds
might be horrible if it happened to someone after only 5 seconds on your site since they are staying a lot less time than average. But, that same 20 seconds
might be great if it happened to someone after 55 seconds since their visit is a lot longer than usual.
Over time, these things will average out and you can eventually see patterns, but you need an enormous amount of data to get to that point.
If you set the conversion delay to something negative, say -0.5
(30 minutes), you can reduce the amount of data you need to see patterns. For example, you may see your average go from 60 seconds to 65 seconds.
Keep in mind, these two things are answering slightly different questions.
How much longer do people stay after viewing the experiment?
vs How much longer is an average session that includes the experiment?
The first question is more direct and often a more strict test of your hypothesis, but it may not be worth the extra running time.
Conversion Window
The number of hours the user has to convert after the conversion delay (default = 72
). Any conversions that happens after this time will be ignored. As always there's a tradeoff here.
The lower you set this, the more you can be sure that your experiment directly contributed to the metric conversion. For example, a user who views your new checkout page and then completes the purchase right away is a much stronger signal than someone viewing your checkout page and then finally completing the purchase 7 days later.
However, setting this too low can exclude valid conversions. In the above example, maybe your new checkout page is more memorable and makes people more likely to return later. With a short conversion window you wouldn't be able to capture this data.
If you are using the "First Exposure" attribution model, then we build this conversion window from the first exposure each user has to an experiment. Because it is possible that each user has multiple rows (one for each exposure) in the experiment assignment source, we use the earliest row (measured by timestamp
in the experiment assignment source) as the basis from which to build the first conversion window.
If you use the "Experiment Duration" attribution model, we effectively ignore the conversion window setting. In this case, we still respect the conversion delay from a user's first experiment exposure timestamp, but we aggregate all metric values/conversions after the conversion delay.
Auto Generate Metrics
When using GrowthBook with certain event trackers, we may be able to generate metrics for you automatically by identifying the unique events tracked by your event tracker. This is currently only supported for a few event trackers (listed below), but we are working to expand this list.
If you are using one of the supported event trackers and would like to see what metrics we can create for you, head to the Metrics
page in GrowthBook and select the Discover Metrics
When querying your datasource to identify unique events, we're currently only looking at events in the last 7 days.
Supported Event Trackers
- Segment
- Rudderstack
- Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
Let's walk through some examples of creating binomial, count, and retention metrics with GrowthBook. For all of the metrics below, let's pretend we have some table called purchases
, which has one row per purchase that a user makes. For each row we have the following columns:
- the id of the usertimestamp
- the time the purchase was madeitems
- the number of items they purchasedcost
- the total value of the items they purchased
From this table, we can build many different metrics:
Name | Metric Type | SQL | Aggregation | Denominator | Conversion Delay |
Any Purchase | Binomial | SELECT user_id, timestamp FROM purchases | n/a | 0 | |
Items Purchased | Count | SELECT user_id, timestamp, items as value FROM purchases | default (SUM) | 0 | |
Number of Purchases | Count | SELECT user_id, timestamp, 1 as value FROM purchases | default (SUM) | 0 | |
Order Value | Revenue | SELECT user_id, timestamp, cost as value FROM purchases | default (SUM) | 0 | |
Average Order Value | Revenue (ratio) | SELECT user_id, timestamp, cost as value FROM purchases | default (SUM) | Number of Purchases | 0 |
7-Day Retention | Binomial | SELECT user_id, timestamp FROM purchases | n/a | 24*7=144 hours |
If you wanted to only count purchases and purchase values made in the 72 hours after a user's first exposure to an experiment, then you could set the conversion window to 72 hours. If you wanted to just count any user who made a purchase any time after experiment exposure and before the end of the experiment, you don't need to increase the conversion window. Instead, you can simply change the Attribution Model to "Experiment Duration" in the experiment settings.